Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,6 +34,19 @@ export const getTaskListByProcessInstanceId = async (processInstanceId: string)
export const getTaskListByReturn = async (id: string) => {
export const getTaskListByReturn = async (id: string) => {
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/task/list-by-return', params: { id } })
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/task/list-by-return', params: { id } })
export const getTaskAssignee = async (taskId: string) => {
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/task/getTaskAssignee', params: { taskId } })
export const getTaskIdsForProcessInstance = async (processinstanceId: string) => {
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/task/getTaskIdsForProcessInstance', params: { processinstanceId } })
export const getTaskConfigFromBpmn = async (taskId: string,itemStr:string) => {
return await request.get({ url: '/bpm/task/getTaskConfigFromBpmn', params: { taskId,itemStr } })
// 回退
// 回退
export const returnTask = async (data: any) => {
export const returnTask = async (data: any) => {
@ -170,7 +170,12 @@
"type": "String"
"type": "String"
"name": "formType",
"name": "itemType",
"isAttr": true,
"type": "String"
"name": "itemContent",
"isAttr": true,
"isAttr": true,
"type": "String"
"type": "String"
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ import FlowCondition from './flow-condition/FlowCondition.vue'
import SignalAndMassage from './signal-message/SignalAndMessage.vue'
import SignalAndMassage from './signal-message/SignalAndMessage.vue'
import ElementListeners from './listeners/ElementListeners.vue'
import ElementListeners from './listeners/ElementListeners.vue'
import ElementProperties from './properties/ElementProperties.vue'
import ElementProperties from './properties/ElementProperties.vue'
// import ElementForm from './form/ElementForm.vue'
// import ElementForm from './form/ElementForm2.vue'
import UserTaskListeners from './listeners/UserTaskListeners.vue'
import UserTaskListeners from './listeners/UserTaskListeners.vue'
// 切换tab自动刷新实现 begin+++++++++++++
// 切换tab自动刷新实现 begin+++++++++++++
export type TabRefresh = {
export type TabRefresh = {
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ import FlowCondition from './flow-condition/FlowCondition.vue'
import SignalAndMassage from './signal-message/SignalAndMessage.vue'
import SignalAndMassage from './signal-message/SignalAndMessage.vue'
import ElementListeners from './listeners/ElementListeners.vue'
import ElementListeners from './listeners/ElementListeners.vue'
import ElementProperties from './properties/ElementProperties.vue'
import ElementProperties from './properties/ElementProperties.vue'
// import ElementForm from './form/ElementForm.vue'
// import ElementForm from './form/ElementForm2.vue'
import UserTaskListeners from './listeners/UserTaskListeners.vue'
import UserTaskListeners from './listeners/UserTaskListeners.vue'
defineOptions({ name: 'MyPropertiesPanel' })
defineOptions({ name: 'MyPropertiesPanel' })
@ -2,231 +2,35 @@
<div class="panel-tab__content">
<div class="panel-tab__content">
<el-form label-width="80px">
<el-form label-width="80px">
<el-form-item label="流程表单">
<el-form-item label="流程表单">
<!-- <el-input v-model="formKey" clearable @change="updateElementFormKey" />-->
<el-select v-model="formKey" clearable @change="updateElementFormKey">
<el-select v-model="formKey" clearable @change="updateElementFormKey">
<el-option v-for="form in formList" :key="" :label="" :value="" />
<el-option v-for="form in formList" :key="" :label="" :value="" />
<!-- <el-form-item label="业务标识">-->
<!-- <el-select v-model="businessKey" @change="updateElementBusinessKey">-->
<el-form-item label="字段控制">
<!-- <el-option v-for="i in fieldList" :key="" :value="" :label="i.label" />-->
<el-radio-group v-model="itemType" @change="updateElementItemType">
<!-- <el-option label="无" value="" />-->
<!-- </el-select>-->
v-for="dict in getIntDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.BPM_TASK_FORM_ITEM_TYPE)"
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
{{ dict.label }}
<div class="panel-tab__content" v-if="itemType == 1 ">
<!-- <div class="element-property list-property">-->
<el-input v-model="itemContent" @change="updateElementItemContent" />
<!-- <el-divider><Icon icon="ep:coin" /> 表单字段</el-divider>-->
<!-- <el-table :data="fieldList" max-height="240" fit border>-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="序号" type="index" width="50px" />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="字段名称" prop="label" min-width="80px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column-->
<!-- label="字段类型"-->
<!-- prop="type"-->
<!-- min-width="80px"-->
<!-- :formatter="(row) => fieldType[row.type] || row.type"-->
<!-- show-overflow-tooltip-->
<!-- />-->
<!-- <el-table-column-->
<!-- label="默认值"-->
<!-- prop="defaultValue"-->
<!-- min-width="80px"-->
<!-- show-overflow-tooltip-->
<!-- />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="操作" width="90px">-->
<!-- <template #default="scope">-->
<!-- <el-button type="primary" link @click="openFieldForm(scope, scope.$index)"-->
<!-- >编辑</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-divider direction="vertical" />-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- style="color: #ff4d4f"-->
<!-- @click="removeField(scope, scope.$index)"-->
<!-- >移除</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </el-table-column>-->
<!-- </el-table>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div class="element-drawer__button">-->
<!-- <XButton type="primary" proIcon="ep:plus" title="添加字段" @click="openFieldForm(null, -1)" />-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <el-drawer-->
<!-- v-model="fieldModelVisible"-->
<!-- title="字段配置"-->
<!-- :size="`${width}px`"-->
<!-- append-to-body-->
<!-- destroy-on-close-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-form :model="formFieldForm" label-width="90px">-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="字段ID">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="类型">-->
<!-- <el-select-->
<!-- v-model="formFieldForm.typeType"-->
<!-- placeholder="请选择字段类型"-->
<!-- clearable-->
<!-- @change="changeFieldTypeType"-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-option v-for="(value, key) of fieldType" :label="value" :value="key" :key="key" />-->
<!-- </el-select>-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="类型名称" v-if="formFieldForm.typeType === 'custom'">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="formFieldForm.type" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="名称">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="formFieldForm.label" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="时间格式" v-if="formFieldForm.typeType === 'date'">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="formFieldForm.datePattern" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="默认值">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="formFieldForm.defaultValue" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- </el-form>-->
<!-- <!– 枚举值设置 –>-->
<!-- <template v-if="formFieldForm.type === 'enum'">-->
<!-- <el-divider key="enum-divider" />-->
<!-- <p class="listener-filed__title" key="enum-title">-->
<!-- <span><Icon icon="ep:menu" />枚举值列表:</span>-->
<!-- <el-button type="primary" @click="openFieldOptionForm(null, -1, 'enum')"-->
<!-- >添加枚举值</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </p>-->
<!-- <el-table :data="fieldEnumList" key="enum-table" max-height="240" fit border>-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="序号" width="50px" type="index" />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="枚举值编号" prop="id" min-width="100px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="枚举值名称" prop="name" min-width="100px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="操作" width="90px">-->
<!-- <template #default="scope">-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- @click="openFieldOptionForm(scope, scope.$index, 'enum')"-->
<!-- >编辑</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-divider direction="vertical" />-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- style="color: #ff4d4f"-->
<!-- @click="removeFieldOptionItem(scope, scope.$index, 'enum')"-->
<!-- >移除</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </el-table-column>-->
<!-- </el-table>-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- <!– 校验规则 –>-->
<!-- <el-divider key="validation-divider" />-->
<!-- <p class="listener-filed__title" key="validation-title">-->
<!-- <span><Icon icon="ep:menu" />约束条件列表:</span>-->
<!-- <el-button type="primary" @click="openFieldOptionForm(null, -1, 'constraint')"-->
<!-- >添加约束</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </p>-->
<!-- <el-table :data="fieldConstraintsList" key="validation-table" max-height="240" fit border>-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="序号" width="50px" type="index" />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="约束名称" prop="name" min-width="100px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="约束配置" prop="config" min-width="100px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="操作" width="90px">-->
<!-- <template #default="scope">-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- @click="openFieldOptionForm(scope, scope.$index, 'constraint')"-->
<!-- >编辑</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-divider direction="vertical" />-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- style="color: #ff4d4f"-->
<!-- @click="removeFieldOptionItem(scope, scope.$index, 'constraint')"-->
<!-- >移除</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </el-table-column>-->
<!-- </el-table>-->
<!-- <!– 表单属性 –>-->
<!-- <el-divider key="property-divider" />-->
<!-- <p class="listener-filed__title" key="property-title">-->
<!-- <span><Icon icon="ep:menu" />字段属性列表:</span>-->
<!-- <el-button type="primary" @click="openFieldOptionForm(null, -1, 'property')"-->
<!-- >添加属性</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </p>-->
<!-- <el-table :data="fieldPropertiesList" key="property-table" max-height="240" fit border>-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="序号" width="50px" type="index" />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="属性编号" prop="id" min-width="100px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="属性值" prop="value" min-width="100px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="操作" width="90px">-->
<!-- <template #default="scope">-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- @click="openFieldOptionForm(scope, scope.$index, 'property')"-->
<!-- >编辑</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-divider direction="vertical" />-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- style="color: #ff4d4f"-->
<!-- @click="removeFieldOptionItem(scope, scope.$index, 'property')"-->
<!-- >移除</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </el-table-column>-->
<!-- </el-table>-->
<!-- <!– 底部按钮 –>-->
<!-- <div class="element-drawer__button">-->
<!-- <el-button>取 消</el-button>-->
<!-- <el-button type="primary" @click="saveField">保 存</el-button>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </el-drawer>-->
<!-- <el-dialog-->
<!-- v-model="fieldOptionModelVisible"-->
<!-- :title="optionModelTitle"-->
<!-- width="600px"-->
<!-- append-to-body-->
<!-- destroy-on-close-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-form :model="fieldOptionForm" label-width="96px">-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="编号/ID" v-if="fieldOptionType !== 'constraint'" key="option-id">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="名称" v-if="fieldOptionType !== 'property'" key="option-name">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="配置" v-if="fieldOptionType === 'constraint'" key="option-config">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="fieldOptionForm.config" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="值" v-if="fieldOptionType === 'property'" key="option-value">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="fieldOptionForm.value" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- </el-form>-->
<!-- <template #footer>-->
<!-- <el-button @click="fieldOptionModelVisible = false">取 消</el-button>-->
<!-- <el-button type="primary" @click="saveFieldOption">确 定</el-button>-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </el-dialog>-->
<script lang="ts" setup>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import * as FormApi from '@/api/bpm/form'
import * as FormApi from '@/api/bpm/form'
import {DICT_TYPE, getIntDictOptions} from "@/utils/dict";
import {ElMessageBox} from "element-plus";
defineOptions({ name: 'ElementForm' })
defineOptions({ name: 'ElementForm' })
@ -239,6 +43,8 @@ const width = inject('width')
const formKey = ref('')
const formKey = ref('')
const businessKey = ref('')
const businessKey = ref('')
const itemType = ref(0)
const itemContent = ref('')
const optionModelTitle = ref('')
const optionModelTitle = ref('')
const fieldList = ref<any[]>([])
const fieldList = ref<any[]>([])
const formFieldForm = ref<any>({})
const formFieldForm = ref<any>({})
@ -265,12 +71,19 @@ const formData = ref()
const otherExtensions = ref()
const otherExtensions = ref()
const bpmnInstances = () => (window as any)?.bpmnInstances
const bpmnInstances = () => (window as any)?.bpmnInstances
const resetFormList = () => {
const resetFormList = () => { //
bpmnELement.value = bpmnInstances().bpmnElement
bpmnELement.value = bpmnInstances().bpmnElement
formKey.value = bpmnELement.value.businessObject.formKey
formKey.value = bpmnELement.value.businessObject.formKey
itemType.value = bpmnELement.value.businessObject.itemType
itemContent.value = bpmnELement.value.businessObject.itemContent
if (formKey.value?.length > 0) {
if (formKey.value?.length > 0) {
formKey.value = parseInt(formKey.value)
formKey.value = parseInt(formKey.value)
if (itemType.value?.length > 0) {
itemType.value = parseInt(itemType.value)
// 获取元素扩展属性 或者 创建扩展属性
// 获取元素扩展属性 或者 创建扩展属性
elExtensionElements.value =
elExtensionElements.value =
bpmnELement.value.businessObject.get('extensionElements') ||
bpmnELement.value.businessObject.get('extensionElements') ||
@ -296,7 +109,7 @@ const resetFormList = () => {
const updateElementFormKey = () => {
const updateElementFormKey = () => {
bpmnInstances().modeling.updateProperties(toRaw(bpmnELement.value), {
bpmnInstances().modeling.updateProperties(toRaw(bpmnELement.value), {
formKey: formKey.value
formKey: formKey.value,
const updateElementBusinessKey = () => {
const updateElementBusinessKey = () => {
@ -304,6 +117,17 @@ const updateElementBusinessKey = () => {
businessKey: businessKey.value
businessKey: businessKey.value
const updateElementItemType = () => {
bpmnInstances().modeling.updateProperties(toRaw(bpmnELement.value), {
itemType: itemType.value
const updateElementItemContent = () => {
bpmnInstances().modeling.updateProperties(toRaw(bpmnELement.value), {
itemContent: itemContent.value
// 根据类型调整字段type
// 根据类型调整字段type
const changeFieldTypeType = (type) => {
const changeFieldTypeType = (type) => {
// this.$set(this.formFieldForm, "type", type === "custom" ? "" : type);
// this.$set(this.formFieldForm, "type", type === "custom" ? "" : type);
@ -462,15 +286,25 @@ const updateElementExtensions = () => {
const formList = ref([]) // 流程表单的下拉框的数据
const formList = ref([]) // 流程表单的下拉框的数据
onMounted(async () => {
onMounted(async () => {
formList.value = await FormApi.getFormSimpleList()
formList.value = await FormApi.getFormSimpleList()
if (!Array.isArray(formList.value)) {
console.error('Expected forms to be an array');
formList.value = [{ id: null, name: '请选择' }];
} else {
formList.value = [{ id: null, name: '请选择' }, ...formList.value];
//pch end
() =>,
() =>,
(val) => {
(val) => {
val &&
val &&
val.length &&
val.length &&
nextTick(() => {
nextTick(() => {
{ immediate: true }
{ immediate: true }
@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
<div class="panel-tab__content">
<el-form label-width="80px">
<el-form-item label="流程表单">
<el-select v-model="formKey" clearable @change="updateElementFormKey">
<el-option v-for="form in formList" :key="" :label="" :value="" />
<el-form-item label="字段控制">
<el-radio-group v-model="itemType" @change="updateElementItemType">
v-for="dict in getIntDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.BPM_TASK_FORM_ITEM_TYPE)"
{{ dict.label }}
<script lang="ts" setup>
import * as FormApi from '@/api/bpm/form'
import {DICT_TYPE, getIntDictOptions} from "@/utils/dict";
defineOptions({ name: 'ElementForm' })
const props = defineProps({
id: String,
type: String
const prefix = inject('prefix')
const width = inject('width')
const formKey = ref('')
const businessKey = ref('')
const itemType = ref(0)
const optionModelTitle = ref('')
const fieldList = ref<any[]>([])
const formFieldForm = ref<any>({})
const fieldType = ref({
long: '长整型',
string: '字符串',
boolean: '布尔类',
date: '日期类',
enum: '枚举类',
custom: '自定义类型'
const formFieldIndex = ref(-1) // 编辑中的字段, -1 为新增
const formFieldOptionIndex = ref(-1) // 编辑中的字段配置项, -1 为新增
const fieldModelVisible = ref(false)
const fieldOptionModelVisible = ref(false)
const fieldOptionForm = ref<any>({}) // 当前激活的字段配置项数据
const fieldOptionType = ref('') // 当前激活的字段配置项弹窗 类型
const fieldEnumList = ref<any[]>([]) // 枚举值列表
const fieldConstraintsList = ref<any[]>([]) // 约束条件列表
const fieldPropertiesList = ref<any[]>([]) // 绑定属性列表
const bpmnELement = ref()
const elExtensionElements = ref()
const formData = ref()
const otherExtensions = ref()
const bpmnInstances = () => (window as any)?.bpmnInstances
const resetFormList = () => {
bpmnELement.value = bpmnInstances().bpmnElement
formKey.value = bpmnELement.value.businessObject.formKey
if (formKey.value?.length > 0) {
formKey.value = parseInt(formKey.value)
itemType.value = bpmnELement.value.businessObject.itemType
if (itemType.value?.length > 0) {
itemType.value = parseInt(itemType.value)
// 获取元素扩展属性 或者 创建扩展属性
elExtensionElements.value =
bpmnELement.value.businessObject.get('extensionElements') ||
bpmnInstances().moddle.create('bpmn:ExtensionElements', { values: [] })
// 获取元素表单配置 或者 创建新的表单配置
formData.value =
elExtensionElements.value.values.filter((ex) => ex.$type === `${prefix}:FormData`)?.[0] ||
bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:FormData`, { fields: [] })
// 业务标识 businessKey, 绑定在 formData 中
businessKey.value = formData.value.businessKey
// 保留剩余扩展元素,便于后面更新该元素对应属性
otherExtensions.value = elExtensionElements.value.values.filter(
(ex) => ex.$type !== `${prefix}:FormData`
// 复制原始值,填充表格
fieldList.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(formData.value.fields || []))
// 更新元素扩展属性,避免后续报错
const updateElementFormKey = () => {
bpmnInstances().modeling.updateProperties(toRaw(bpmnELement.value), {
formKey: formKey.value
const updateElementBusinessKey = () => {
bpmnInstances().modeling.updateModdleProperties(toRaw(bpmnELement.value), formData.value, {
businessKey: businessKey.value
const updateElementItemType = () => {
// console.log(itemType.value,"itemType.value")
bpmnInstances().modeling.updateProperties(toRaw(bpmnELement.value), {
itemType: itemType.value
// 根据类型调整字段type
const changeFieldTypeType = (type) => {
// this.$set(this.formFieldForm, "type", type === "custom" ? "" : type);
formFieldForm.value['type'] = type === 'custom' ? '' : type
// 打开字段详情侧边栏
const openFieldForm = (field, index) => {
formFieldIndex.value = index
if (index !== -1) {
const FieldObject = formData.value.fields[index]
formFieldForm.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(field))
// 设置自定义类型
// this.$set(this.formFieldForm, "typeType", !this.fieldType[field.type] ? "custom" : field.type);
formFieldForm.value['typeType'] = !fieldType.value[field.type] ? 'custom' : field.type
// 初始化枚举值列表
field.type === 'enum' &&
(fieldEnumList.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(FieldObject?.values || [])))
// 初始化约束条件列表
fieldConstraintsList.value = JSON.parse(
JSON.stringify(FieldObject?.validation?.constraints || [])
// 初始化自定义属性列表
fieldPropertiesList.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(FieldObject?.properties?.values || []))
} else {
formFieldForm.value = {}
// 初始化枚举值列表
fieldEnumList.value = []
// 初始化约束条件列表
fieldConstraintsList.value = []
// 初始化自定义属性列表
fieldPropertiesList.value = []
fieldModelVisible.value = true
// 打开字段 某个 配置项 弹窗
const openFieldOptionForm = (option, index, type) => {
fieldOptionModelVisible.value = true
fieldOptionType.value = type
formFieldOptionIndex.value = index
if (type === 'property') {
fieldOptionForm.value = option ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(option)) : {}
return (optionModelTitle.value = '属性配置')
if (type === 'enum') {
fieldOptionForm.value = option ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(option)) : {}
return (optionModelTitle.value = '枚举值配置')
fieldOptionForm.value = option ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(option)) : {}
return (optionModelTitle.value = '约束条件配置')
// 保存字段 某个 配置项
const saveFieldOption = () => {
if (formFieldOptionIndex.value === -1) {
if (fieldOptionType.value === 'property') {
if (fieldOptionType.value === 'constraint') {
if (fieldOptionType.value === 'enum') {
} else {
fieldOptionType.value === 'property' &&
fieldPropertiesList.value.splice(formFieldOptionIndex.value, 1, fieldOptionForm.value)
fieldOptionType.value === 'constraint' &&
fieldConstraintsList.value.splice(formFieldOptionIndex.value, 1, fieldOptionForm.value)
fieldOptionType.value === 'enum' &&
fieldEnumList.value.splice(formFieldOptionIndex.value, 1, fieldOptionForm.value)
fieldOptionModelVisible.value = false
fieldOptionForm.value = {}
// 保存字段配置
const saveField = () => {
const { id, type, label, defaultValue, datePattern } = formFieldForm.value
const Field = bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:FormField`, { id, type, label })
defaultValue && (Field.defaultValue = defaultValue)
datePattern && (Field.datePattern = datePattern)
// 构建属性
if (fieldPropertiesList.value && fieldPropertiesList.value.length) {
const fieldPropertyList = => {
return bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:Property`, {
value: fp.value
| = bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:Properties`, {
values: fieldPropertyList
// 构建校验规则
if (fieldConstraintsList.value && fieldConstraintsList.value.length) {
const fieldConstraintList = => {
return bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:Constraint`, {
config: fc.config
Field.validation = bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:Validation`, {
constraints: fieldConstraintList
// 构建枚举值
if (fieldEnumList.value && fieldEnumList.value.length) {
Field.values = => {
return bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:Value`, { name:, id: })
// 更新数组 与 表单配置实例
if (formFieldIndex.value === -1) {
} else {
fieldList.value.splice(formFieldIndex.value, 1, formFieldForm.value)
formData.value.fields.splice(formFieldIndex.value, 1, Field)
fieldModelVisible.value = false
// 移除某个 字段的 配置项
const removeFieldOptionItem = (option, index, type) => {
// console.log(option, 'option')
if (type === 'property') {
fieldPropertiesList.value.splice(index, 1)
if (type === 'enum') {
fieldEnumList.value.splice(index, 1)
fieldConstraintsList.value.splice(index, 1)
// 移除 字段
const removeField = (field, index) => {
console.log(field, 'field')
fieldList.value.splice(index, 1)
formData.value.fields.splice(index, 1)
const updateElementExtensions = () => {
// 更新回扩展元素
const newElExtensionElements = bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`bpmn:ExtensionElements`, {
values: otherExtensions.value.concat(formData.value)
// 更新到元素上
bpmnInstances().modeling.updateProperties(toRaw(bpmnELement.value), {
extensionElements: newElExtensionElements
const formList = ref([]) // 流程表单的下拉框的数据
onMounted(async () => {
formList.value = await FormApi.getFormSimpleList()
() =>,
(val) => {
val &&
val.length &&
nextTick(() => {
{ immediate: true }
@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
<div class="panel-tab__content">
<el-form label-width="80px">
<el-form-item label="流程表单">
<!-- <el-input v-model="formKey" clearable @change="updateElementFormKey" />-->
<el-select v-model="formKey" clearable @change="updateElementFormKey">
<el-option v-for="form in formList" :key="" :label="" :value="" />
<!-- <el-form-item label="业务标识">-->
<!-- <el-select v-model="businessKey" @change="updateElementBusinessKey">-->
<!-- <el-option v-for="i in fieldList" :key="" :value="" :label="i.label" />-->
<!-- <el-option label="无" value="" />-->
<!-- </el-select>-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <div class="element-property list-property">-->
<!-- <el-divider><Icon icon="ep:coin" /> 表单字段</el-divider>-->
<!-- <el-table :data="fieldList" max-height="240" fit border>-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="序号" type="index" width="50px" />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="字段名称" prop="label" min-width="80px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column-->
<!-- label="字段类型"-->
<!-- prop="type"-->
<!-- min-width="80px"-->
<!-- :formatter="(row) => fieldType[row.type] || row.type"-->
<!-- show-overflow-tooltip-->
<!-- />-->
<!-- <el-table-column-->
<!-- label="默认值"-->
<!-- prop="defaultValue"-->
<!-- min-width="80px"-->
<!-- show-overflow-tooltip-->
<!-- />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="操作" width="90px">-->
<!-- <template #default="scope">-->
<!-- <el-button type="primary" link @click="openFieldForm(scope, scope.$index)"-->
<!-- >编辑</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-divider direction="vertical" />-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- style="color: #ff4d4f"-->
<!-- @click="removeField(scope, scope.$index)"-->
<!-- >移除</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </el-table-column>-->
<!-- </el-table>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div class="element-drawer__button">-->
<!-- <XButton type="primary" proIcon="ep:plus" title="添加字段" @click="openFieldForm(null, -1)" />-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <el-drawer-->
<!-- v-model="fieldModelVisible"-->
<!-- title="字段配置"-->
<!-- :size="`${width}px`"-->
<!-- append-to-body-->
<!-- destroy-on-close-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-form :model="formFieldForm" label-width="90px">-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="字段ID">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="类型">-->
<!-- <el-select-->
<!-- v-model="formFieldForm.typeType"-->
<!-- placeholder="请选择字段类型"-->
<!-- clearable-->
<!-- @change="changeFieldTypeType"-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-option v-for="(value, key) of fieldType" :label="value" :value="key" :key="key" />-->
<!-- </el-select>-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="类型名称" v-if="formFieldForm.typeType === 'custom'">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="formFieldForm.type" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="名称">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="formFieldForm.label" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="时间格式" v-if="formFieldForm.typeType === 'date'">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="formFieldForm.datePattern" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="默认值">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="formFieldForm.defaultValue" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- </el-form>-->
<!-- <!– 枚举值设置 –>-->
<!-- <template v-if="formFieldForm.type === 'enum'">-->
<!-- <el-divider key="enum-divider" />-->
<!-- <p class="listener-filed__title" key="enum-title">-->
<!-- <span><Icon icon="ep:menu" />枚举值列表:</span>-->
<!-- <el-button type="primary" @click="openFieldOptionForm(null, -1, 'enum')"-->
<!-- >添加枚举值</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </p>-->
<!-- <el-table :data="fieldEnumList" key="enum-table" max-height="240" fit border>-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="序号" width="50px" type="index" />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="枚举值编号" prop="id" min-width="100px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="枚举值名称" prop="name" min-width="100px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="操作" width="90px">-->
<!-- <template #default="scope">-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- @click="openFieldOptionForm(scope, scope.$index, 'enum')"-->
<!-- >编辑</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-divider direction="vertical" />-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- style="color: #ff4d4f"-->
<!-- @click="removeFieldOptionItem(scope, scope.$index, 'enum')"-->
<!-- >移除</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </el-table-column>-->
<!-- </el-table>-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- <!– 校验规则 –>-->
<!-- <el-divider key="validation-divider" />-->
<!-- <p class="listener-filed__title" key="validation-title">-->
<!-- <span><Icon icon="ep:menu" />约束条件列表:</span>-->
<!-- <el-button type="primary" @click="openFieldOptionForm(null, -1, 'constraint')"-->
<!-- >添加约束</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </p>-->
<!-- <el-table :data="fieldConstraintsList" key="validation-table" max-height="240" fit border>-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="序号" width="50px" type="index" />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="约束名称" prop="name" min-width="100px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="约束配置" prop="config" min-width="100px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="操作" width="90px">-->
<!-- <template #default="scope">-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- @click="openFieldOptionForm(scope, scope.$index, 'constraint')"-->
<!-- >编辑</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-divider direction="vertical" />-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- style="color: #ff4d4f"-->
<!-- @click="removeFieldOptionItem(scope, scope.$index, 'constraint')"-->
<!-- >移除</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </el-table-column>-->
<!-- </el-table>-->
<!-- <!– 表单属性 –>-->
<!-- <el-divider key="property-divider" />-->
<!-- <p class="listener-filed__title" key="property-title">-->
<!-- <span><Icon icon="ep:menu" />字段属性列表:</span>-->
<!-- <el-button type="primary" @click="openFieldOptionForm(null, -1, 'property')"-->
<!-- >添加属性</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </p>-->
<!-- <el-table :data="fieldPropertiesList" key="property-table" max-height="240" fit border>-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="序号" width="50px" type="index" />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="属性编号" prop="id" min-width="100px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="属性值" prop="value" min-width="100px" show-overflow-tooltip />-->
<!-- <el-table-column label="操作" width="90px">-->
<!-- <template #default="scope">-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- @click="openFieldOptionForm(scope, scope.$index, 'property')"-->
<!-- >编辑</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-divider direction="vertical" />-->
<!-- <el-button-->
<!-- type="primary"-->
<!-- link-->
<!-- style="color: #ff4d4f"-->
<!-- @click="removeFieldOptionItem(scope, scope.$index, 'property')"-->
<!-- >移除</el-button-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </el-table-column>-->
<!-- </el-table>-->
<!-- <!– 底部按钮 –>-->
<!-- <div class="element-drawer__button">-->
<!-- <el-button>取 消</el-button>-->
<!-- <el-button type="primary" @click="saveField">保 存</el-button>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </el-drawer>-->
<!-- <el-dialog-->
<!-- v-model="fieldOptionModelVisible"-->
<!-- :title="optionModelTitle"-->
<!-- width="600px"-->
<!-- append-to-body-->
<!-- destroy-on-close-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <el-form :model="fieldOptionForm" label-width="96px">-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="编号/ID" v-if="fieldOptionType !== 'constraint'" key="option-id">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="名称" v-if="fieldOptionType !== 'property'" key="option-name">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="配置" v-if="fieldOptionType === 'constraint'" key="option-config">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="fieldOptionForm.config" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- <el-form-item label="值" v-if="fieldOptionType === 'property'" key="option-value">-->
<!-- <el-input v-model="fieldOptionForm.value" clearable />-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<!-- </el-form>-->
<!-- <template #footer>-->
<!-- <el-button @click="fieldOptionModelVisible = false">取 消</el-button>-->
<!-- <el-button type="primary" @click="saveFieldOption">确 定</el-button>-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </el-dialog>-->
<script lang="ts" setup>
import * as FormApi from '@/api/bpm/form'
defineOptions({ name: 'ElementForm' })
const props = defineProps({
id: String,
type: String
const prefix = inject('prefix')
const width = inject('width')
const formKey = ref('')
const businessKey = ref('')
const optionModelTitle = ref('')
const fieldList = ref<any[]>([])
const formFieldForm = ref<any>({})
const fieldType = ref({
long: '长整型',
string: '字符串',
boolean: '布尔类',
date: '日期类',
enum: '枚举类',
custom: '自定义类型'
const formFieldIndex = ref(-1) // 编辑中的字段, -1 为新增
const formFieldOptionIndex = ref(-1) // 编辑中的字段配置项, -1 为新增
const fieldModelVisible = ref(false)
const fieldOptionModelVisible = ref(false)
const fieldOptionForm = ref<any>({}) // 当前激活的字段配置项数据
const fieldOptionType = ref('') // 当前激活的字段配置项弹窗 类型
const fieldEnumList = ref<any[]>([]) // 枚举值列表
const fieldConstraintsList = ref<any[]>([]) // 约束条件列表
const fieldPropertiesList = ref<any[]>([]) // 绑定属性列表
const bpmnELement = ref()
const elExtensionElements = ref()
const formData = ref()
const otherExtensions = ref()
const bpmnInstances = () => (window as any)?.bpmnInstances
const resetFormList = () => {
bpmnELement.value = bpmnInstances().bpmnElement
formKey.value = bpmnELement.value.businessObject.formKey
if (formKey.value?.length > 0) {
formKey.value = parseInt(formKey.value)
// 获取元素扩展属性 或者 创建扩展属性
elExtensionElements.value =
bpmnELement.value.businessObject.get('extensionElements') ||
bpmnInstances().moddle.create('bpmn:ExtensionElements', { values: [] })
// 获取元素表单配置 或者 创建新的表单配置
formData.value =
elExtensionElements.value.values.filter((ex) => ex.$type === `${prefix}:FormData`)?.[0] ||
bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:FormData`, { fields: [] })
// 业务标识 businessKey, 绑定在 formData 中
businessKey.value = formData.value.businessKey
// 保留剩余扩展元素,便于后面更新该元素对应属性
otherExtensions.value = elExtensionElements.value.values.filter(
(ex) => ex.$type !== `${prefix}:FormData`
// 复制原始值,填充表格
fieldList.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(formData.value.fields || []))
// 更新元素扩展属性,避免后续报错
const updateElementFormKey = () => {
bpmnInstances().modeling.updateProperties(toRaw(bpmnELement.value), {
formKey: formKey.value
const updateElementBusinessKey = () => {
bpmnInstances().modeling.updateModdleProperties(toRaw(bpmnELement.value), formData.value, {
businessKey: businessKey.value
// 根据类型调整字段type
const changeFieldTypeType = (type) => {
// this.$set(this.formFieldForm, "type", type === "custom" ? "" : type);
formFieldForm.value['type'] = type === 'custom' ? '' : type
// 打开字段详情侧边栏
const openFieldForm = (field, index) => {
formFieldIndex.value = index
if (index !== -1) {
const FieldObject = formData.value.fields[index]
formFieldForm.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(field))
// 设置自定义类型
// this.$set(this.formFieldForm, "typeType", !this.fieldType[field.type] ? "custom" : field.type);
formFieldForm.value['typeType'] = !fieldType.value[field.type] ? 'custom' : field.type
// 初始化枚举值列表
field.type === 'enum' &&
(fieldEnumList.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(FieldObject?.values || [])))
// 初始化约束条件列表
fieldConstraintsList.value = JSON.parse(
JSON.stringify(FieldObject?.validation?.constraints || [])
// 初始化自定义属性列表
fieldPropertiesList.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(FieldObject?.properties?.values || []))
} else {
formFieldForm.value = {}
// 初始化枚举值列表
fieldEnumList.value = []
// 初始化约束条件列表
fieldConstraintsList.value = []
// 初始化自定义属性列表
fieldPropertiesList.value = []
fieldModelVisible.value = true
// 打开字段 某个 配置项 弹窗
const openFieldOptionForm = (option, index, type) => {
fieldOptionModelVisible.value = true
fieldOptionType.value = type
formFieldOptionIndex.value = index
if (type === 'property') {
fieldOptionForm.value = option ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(option)) : {}
return (optionModelTitle.value = '属性配置')
if (type === 'enum') {
fieldOptionForm.value = option ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(option)) : {}
return (optionModelTitle.value = '枚举值配置')
fieldOptionForm.value = option ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(option)) : {}
return (optionModelTitle.value = '约束条件配置')
// 保存字段 某个 配置项
const saveFieldOption = () => {
if (formFieldOptionIndex.value === -1) {
if (fieldOptionType.value === 'property') {
if (fieldOptionType.value === 'constraint') {
if (fieldOptionType.value === 'enum') {
} else {
fieldOptionType.value === 'property' &&
fieldPropertiesList.value.splice(formFieldOptionIndex.value, 1, fieldOptionForm.value)
fieldOptionType.value === 'constraint' &&
fieldConstraintsList.value.splice(formFieldOptionIndex.value, 1, fieldOptionForm.value)
fieldOptionType.value === 'enum' &&
fieldEnumList.value.splice(formFieldOptionIndex.value, 1, fieldOptionForm.value)
fieldOptionModelVisible.value = false
fieldOptionForm.value = {}
// 保存字段配置
const saveField = () => {
const { id, type, label, defaultValue, datePattern } = formFieldForm.value
const Field = bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:FormField`, { id, type, label })
defaultValue && (Field.defaultValue = defaultValue)
datePattern && (Field.datePattern = datePattern)
// 构建属性
if (fieldPropertiesList.value && fieldPropertiesList.value.length) {
const fieldPropertyList = => {
return bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:Property`, {
value: fp.value
| = bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:Properties`, {
values: fieldPropertyList
// 构建校验规则
if (fieldConstraintsList.value && fieldConstraintsList.value.length) {
const fieldConstraintList = => {
return bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:Constraint`, {
config: fc.config
Field.validation = bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:Validation`, {
constraints: fieldConstraintList
// 构建枚举值
if (fieldEnumList.value && fieldEnumList.value.length) {
Field.values = => {
return bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`${prefix}:Value`, { name:, id: })
// 更新数组 与 表单配置实例
if (formFieldIndex.value === -1) {
} else {
fieldList.value.splice(formFieldIndex.value, 1, formFieldForm.value)
formData.value.fields.splice(formFieldIndex.value, 1, Field)
fieldModelVisible.value = false
// 移除某个 字段的 配置项
const removeFieldOptionItem = (option, index, type) => {
// console.log(option, 'option')
if (type === 'property') {
fieldPropertiesList.value.splice(index, 1)
if (type === 'enum') {
fieldEnumList.value.splice(index, 1)
fieldConstraintsList.value.splice(index, 1)
// 移除 字段
const removeField = (field, index) => {
console.log(field, 'field')
fieldList.value.splice(index, 1)
formData.value.fields.splice(index, 1)
const updateElementExtensions = () => {
// 更新回扩展元素
const newElExtensionElements = bpmnInstances().moddle.create(`bpmn:ExtensionElements`, {
values: otherExtensions.value.concat(formData.value)
// 更新到元素上
bpmnInstances().modeling.updateProperties(toRaw(bpmnELement.value), {
extensionElements: newElExtensionElements
const formList = ref([]) // 流程表单的下拉框的数据
onMounted(async () => {
formList.value = await FormApi.getFormSimpleList()
() =>,
(val) => {
val &&
val.length &&
nextTick(() => {
{ immediate: true }
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ const resetAttributesList = () => {
(pre, current) => pre.concat(current.values),
(pre, current) => pre.concat(current.values),
console.log(JSON.stringify(bpmnElementPropertyList.value ?? []),"bpmnElementPropertyList.value ?? []")
// 复制 显示
// 复制 显示
elementPropertyList.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(bpmnElementPropertyList.value ?? []))
elementPropertyList.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(bpmnElementPropertyList.value ?? []))
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
{{ dict.label }}
{{ dict.label }}
<!-- ---pch add at 2024-11-06 end--->
<!-- ---pch add at 2024-11-06 end--->
@ -197,6 +196,7 @@ const resetTaskForm = () => {
if (!businessObject) {
if (!businessObject) {
if (businessObject.candidateStrategy != undefined) {
if (businessObject.candidateStrategy != undefined) {
userTaskForm.value.candidateStrategy = parseInt(businessObject.candidateStrategy) as any
userTaskForm.value.candidateStrategy = parseInt(businessObject.candidateStrategy) as any
} else {
} else {
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ export enum DICT_TYPE {
BPM_PROCESS_LISTENER_TYPE = 'bpm_process_listener_type',
BPM_PROCESS_LISTENER_TYPE = 'bpm_process_listener_type',
BPM_PROCESS_LISTENER_VALUE_TYPE = 'bpm_process_listener_value_type',
BPM_PROCESS_LISTENER_VALUE_TYPE = 'bpm_process_listener_value_type',
BPM_TASK_CANDIDATE_RANGE = 'bpm_task_candidate_range',
BPM_TASK_CANDIDATE_RANGE = 'bpm_task_candidate_range',
OA_PROJECT_TYPE ='oa_project_type',
BPM_TASK_FORM_ITEM_TYPE ='bpm_task_form_item_type',
// ========== PAY 模块 ==========
// ========== PAY 模块 ==========
PAY_CHANNEL_CODE = 'pay_channel_code', // 支付渠道编码类型
PAY_CHANNEL_CODE = 'pay_channel_code', // 支付渠道编码类型
PAY_ORDER_STATUS = 'pay_order_status', // 商户支付订单状态
PAY_ORDER_STATUS = 'pay_order_status', // 商户支付订单状态
@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
<el-col :span="24">
<el-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="请假标题" prop="title">
<el-form-item label="请假标题" prop="title">
<el-input v-model="formData.title" placeholder="请输入请假标题" disabled />
<el-input v-model="formData.title" placeholder="请输入请假标题" :disabled="!isEditable('title')" />
<el-col :span="12">
<el-col :span="12">
<el-form-item label="起草人" prop="userName">
<el-form-item label="起草人" prop="userName">
<el-input v-model="formData.userName" placeholder="请输入起草人" disabled />
<el-input v-model="formData.userName" placeholder="请输入起草人" :disabled="!isEditable('userName')" />
<el-col :span="12">
<el-col :span="12">
@ -24,17 +24,17 @@
<el-input v-model="formData.deptId" placeholder="请输入部门" v-show="false" />
<el-input v-model="formData.deptId" placeholder="请输入部门" v-show="false" />
<!-- <div class="pull-left" v-show="true" v-if="userInfo?.dept">{{ userInfo? }} </div>-->
<!-- <div class="pull-left" v-show="true" v-if="userInfo?.dept">{{ userInfo? }} </div>-->
<!-- <div class="pull-left" v-show="true" v-if="deptInfo">{{ deptInfo }} </div>-->
<!-- <div class="pull-left" v-show="true" v-if="deptInfo">{{ deptInfo }} </div>-->
<el-input v-model="formData.deptName" placeholder="请输入部门信息" disabled/>
<el-input v-model="formData.deptName" placeholder="请输入部门信息" :disabled="!isEditable('deptName')" />
<el-col :span="12">
<el-col :span="12">
<el-form-item label="开始时间" prop="startTime" readonly>
<el-form-item label="开始时间" prop="startTime" >
@ -45,14 +45,15 @@
<el-col :span="12">
<el-col :span="12">
<el-form-item label="请假类型" prop="type" >
<el-form-item label="请假类型" prop="type" >
<el-select v-model="formData.type" placeholder="请选择请假类型" :disabled="isReadOnly">
<el-select v-model="formData.type" placeholder="请选择请假类型" :disabled="!isEditable('type')">
v-for="dict in getIntDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.BPM_OA_LEAVE_TYPE)"
v-for="dict in getIntDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.BPM_OA_LEAVE_TYPE)"
@ -64,13 +65,13 @@
<el-col :span="12">
<el-col :span="12">
<el-form-item label="请假天数" prop="day" >
<el-form-item label="请假天数" prop="day" >
<el-input v-model="" placeholder="请输入请假天数" disabled/>
<el-input v-model="" placeholder="请输入请假天数" :disabled="!isEditable('day')"/>
<el-col :span="24">
<el-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="请假原因" prop="reason" >
<el-form-item label="请假原因" prop="reason" >
<el-input v-model="formData.reason" placeholder="请输入请假原因" style="height: 100px;" disabled/>
<el-input v-model="formData.reason" placeholder="请输入请假原因" style="height: 100px;" :disabled="!isEditable('reason')"/>
@ -83,8 +84,9 @@ import { QjglApi, QjglVO } from '@/api/home/qjgl'
import { propTypes } from '@/utils/propTypes'
import { propTypes } from '@/utils/propTypes'
import {getUserProfile, ProfileVO} from "@/api/system/user/profile";
import {getUserProfile, ProfileVO} from "@/api/system/user/profile";
import {DeptVO, getDept} from "@/api/system/dept";
import {DeptVO, getDept} from "@/api/system/dept";
import * as DefinitionApi from '@/api/bpm/definition'
import * as TaskApi from '@/api/bpm/task'
import * as UserApi from '@/api/system/user'
import { getAccessToken } from '@/utils/auth'
import {useUserStore} from "@/store/modules/user";
/** 请假管理 表单 */
/** 请假管理 表单 */
defineOptions({ name: 'QjglDetail' })
defineOptions({ name: 'QjglDetail' })
@ -128,39 +130,12 @@ const deptInfo = ref({} as DeptVO )
const formRef = ref() // 表单 Ref
const formRef = ref() // 表单 Ref
const { query } = useRoute() // 查询参数
const { query } = useRoute() // 查询参数
const queryId = as unknown as number // 从 URL 传递过来的 id 编号
const queryId = as unknown as number // 从 URL 传递过来的 id 编号
/** 打开弹窗 */
// pch begin
// const open = async (type: string, id?: number) => {
const startUserSelectTasks = ref([]) // 发起人需要选择审批人的用户任务列表
// dialogVisible.value = true
const userId = useUserStore() // 当前登录的编号
// dialogTitle.value = t('action.' + type)
//pch end
// formType.value = type
// resetForm()
// // 修改时,设置数据
// if (id) {
// formLoading.value = true
// try {
// formData.value = await QjglApi.getQjgl(id)
// } finally {
// formLoading.value = false
// }
// }
// }
// defineExpose({ open }) // 提供 open 方法,用于打开弹窗
const getUserInfo = async () => {
const getUserInfo = async () => {
const users = await getUserProfile()
const users = await getUserProfile()
// if ( formData.value.deptId == '' ){
// userInfo.value = users
// formData.value.deptId=
// deptInfo.value = {} as DeptVO
// }else{
// const dept = await getDept(formData.value.deptId)
// deptInfo.value = dept
// userInfo.value = {} as ProfileVO
// }
// if (formData.value.userName == ''){
// const users = await getUserProfile()
// formData.value.userName= users.nickname
// }
if (formData.value.deptId == ''||formData.value.deptId == undefined){
if (formData.value.deptId == ''||formData.value.deptId == undefined){
@ -180,30 +155,27 @@ const getUserInfo = async () => {
const editableFields = ref([])
const isEditable = (field) => {
return editableFields.value.includes(field); // 如果字段在 editableFields 中,则返回 true
/** 提交表单 */
/** 提交表单 */
const emit = defineEmits(['success']) // 定义 success 事件,用于操作成功后的回调
const emit = defineEmits(['success']) // 定义 success 事件,用于操作成功后的回调
const submitForm = async () => {
const updatetForm = async () => {
// 校验表单
// 校验表单
await formRef.value.validate()
await formRef.value.validate()
// 提交请求
// 提交请求
formLoading.value = true
formLoading.value = true
try {
try {
const data = formData.value as unknown as QjglVO
const data = formData.value as unknown as QjglVO
if (formType.value === 'create') {
await QjglApi.createQjgl(data)
} else {
await QjglApi.updateQjgl(data)
await QjglApi.updateQjgl(data)
dialogVisible.value = false
// 发送操作成功的事件
// 发送操作成功的事件
} finally {
} finally {
formLoading.value = false
formLoading.value = false
/** 重置表单 */
/** 重置表单 */
const resetForm = () => {
const resetForm = () => {
formData.value = {
formData.value = {
@ -223,17 +195,53 @@ const resetForm = () => {
const itemControl = async () => {
// console.log(userId,"userId")
// console.log(queryId,"queryId")
let flag = false
let itemType = ""
let itemContent = ""
if (queryId.length > 33 ) { //流程中打开表单
const taskids = await TaskApi.getTaskIdsForProcessInstance( queryId ) //通过流程实例id得到待办任务列表
const token = getAccessToken()
for (const taskid of taskids) {
// 在 for...of 中可以使用 await
const assignee = await TaskApi.getTaskAssignee(taskid); //通过待办任务id得到审批人
//console.log(assignee, "assignee");
if ( assignee == userId ) {
flag = true
itemType = await TaskApi.getTaskConfigFromBpmn( taskid ,"itemType")
if ( itemType == "1") {
itemContent = await TaskApi.getTaskConfigFromBpmn( taskid ,"itemContent")
if ( flag ) { //当然用户是审批人
if ( itemType == "1") { //表单字段0:禁用,1:允许
const parsedObject = JSON.parse(itemContent);
Object.entries(parsedObject).forEach(([key, value]) => {
editableFields.value.push( key )
onMounted(async () => {
onMounted(async () => {
const id = || queryId
const id = || queryId
if (id) {
if (id) {
formLoading.value = true
formLoading.value = true
try {
try {
formData.value = await QjglApi.getQjgl(id)
formData.value = await QjglApi.getQjgl(id)
await itemControl()
// TaskApi.getTaskAssignee()
} finally {
} finally {
formLoading.value = false
formLoading.value = false
//await getUserInfo()
// await getKnowtypeTree()
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<!-- 情况二:业务表单 -->
<!-- 情况二:业务表单 -->
<div v-if="processInstance?.processDefinition?.formType === 20">
<div v-if="processInstance?.processDefinition?.formType === 20">
<BusinessFormComponent :id="processInstance.businessKey" />
<BusinessFormComponent ref="businessForm" :id="processInstance.businessKey" />
@ -253,12 +253,13 @@ watch(
deep: true
deep: true
const businessForm = ref()
/** 处理审批通过和不通过的操作 */
/** 处理审批通过和不通过的操作 */
const handleAudit = async (task, pass) => {
const handleAudit = async (task, pass) => {
// 1.1 获得对应表单
// 1.1 获得对应表单
const index = runningTasks.value.indexOf(task)
const index = runningTasks.value.indexOf(task)
const auditFormRef = proxy.$refs['form' + index][0]
const auditFormRef = proxy.$refs['form' + index][0]
// 1.2 校验表单
// 1.2 校验表单
const elForm = unref(auditFormRef)
const elForm = unref(auditFormRef)
if (!elForm) return
if (!elForm) return
@ -271,6 +272,7 @@ const handleAudit = async (task, pass) => {
reason: auditForms.value[index].reason,
reason: auditForms.value[index].reason,
copyUserIds: auditForms.value[index].copyUserIds
copyUserIds: auditForms.value[index].copyUserIds
if (pass) {
if (pass) {
// 审批通过,并且有额外的 approveForm 表单,需要校验 + 拼接到 data 表单里提交
// 审批通过,并且有额外的 approveForm 表单,需要校验 + 拼接到 data 表单里提交
const formCreateApi = approveFormFApis.value[index]
const formCreateApi = approveFormFApis.value[index]
@ -279,6 +281,10 @@ const handleAudit = async (task, pass) => {
data.variables = approveForms.value[index].value
data.variables = approveForms.value[index].value
if (businessForm.value && businessForm.value.updatetForm) {
businessForm.value.updatetForm() // 调用异步组件的提交方法
await TaskApi.approveTask(data)
await TaskApi.approveTask(data)
} else {
} else {
@ -286,7 +292,7 @@ const handleAudit = async (task, pass) => {
// 2.2 加载最新数据
// 2.2 加载最新数据
@ -370,6 +376,8 @@ const getProcessInstance = async () => {
if ( formCreatePath ) {
if ( formCreatePath ) {
const formCustomViewPaht = await FormProcessMappingApi.getFormCustomViewPath( formCreatePath )
const formCustomViewPaht = await FormProcessMappingApi.getFormCustomViewPath( formCreatePath )
if ( formCustomViewPaht ) {
if ( formCustomViewPaht ) {
BusinessFormComponent.value = registerComponent(formCustomViewPaht)
BusinessFormComponent.value = registerComponent(formCustomViewPaht)
@ -459,6 +467,7 @@ const loadRunningTask = (tasks) => {
approveForms.value.push({}) // 占位,避免为空
approveForms.value.push({}) // 占位,避免为空
/** 初始化 */
/** 初始化 */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user